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US National Beef Choice Chuck Plate Whole Primal Cut (10% off)

US National Beef Choice Chuck Plate Whole Primal Cut (10% off)

Item #451032
HK$1350.0 HK$1215.0 / unit (around 5kg) 10% Off
5kg stand for the average weight of the piece. We will invoice @ $24.3 / 100g based on actual weight.
Availability:  Out of Stock
x unit

U.S. National Beef delivers the tender and juicy eating experience your customers expect from a premium beef selection, along with rich flavor and consistency in midwestern beef

It is committed to humanely and naturally raising cattle.

No added hormones and antibiotics.

Size: Approx. 4-6kg (Not trimmed, Original packing)

Storage: Keep Chilled at 0-4°C

Grain fed Grain fed USDA Choice USDA Choice

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