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Australia Rainbow Trout (Gills & Gutted Removed)

Australia Rainbow Trout (Gills & Gutted Removed)

Item #455005
HK$120.0 / unit (around 0.4kg)
0.4kg stand for the average weight of the piece. We will invoice @ $30 / 100g based on actual weight.
Availability:  Out of Stock
x unit

Australian Rainbow Trout - Part of the Salmon family these fish make excellent eating.

The flesh is softer in texture and varies from pink to white depending on the diet of the fish.

It has a mild flavour and stays quite moist unless overcooked.

Minimum Order: 1 whole piece - Gilled & Gutted (around 350-500g).

Storage: Keep chilled at 0-4°C

Farmed Farmed

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